Tu je kombinovaný trash Stash Post za posledné 2 mesiace v roku 2017:
Zabudol som vziať skupinu shot a bol príliš lenivý, aby ste si vybrali položky z tašky na recykláciu.
Pôvodne som cítil, že moja para zostala trochu ku koncu roka na dokončenie produktov, ale akonáhle som ich začal zoznam, zistil som, že som dokončil niekoľko položiek za posledné 2 mesiace. Rozhodol som sa urobiť veľký príspevok namiesto oddelenia do 2 príspevkov, tak chytiť šálku horúceho čaju.
Starostlivosť o kožu
Diadermine PH5 Hydratant Protecur Soin De JOW – € 4.10 pre 50 ml
Bol som poslaný tým, že Joyce a je to nádherný denný krém! Najprv som sa obával, že by to nebolo dosť hydratačné pre chladnejšie mesiace, ale to fungovalo tak dobre. Dokonale sa nosí pod make-up a udržuje suché náplasti v zálive. Je to, že optimálna rovnováha hlbokej hydratácie, zatiaľ čo nie je otáčajúca tvár do mazačky. Moja koža nevylomila ani nereaguje negatívne na tento krém vôbec. Tam je mierny parfume-y vôňa, ale nie je zdržané. Tiež sa mi páči kompaktná trubica – sanitárne a dobré pre cestovanie. Skontroloval som, čo je v tomto prípade na opaľovací krém a ukáže sa, že je minerálny opaľovací krém: oxid titaničitý. Neexistuje žiadny náznak toho, aký SPF faktor je však. Ak žijete vo Francúzsku alebo v iných krajinách, ktoré predávajú značku Diadermine, prosím, dávajte túto ekonomickú značku DrugStore A Skúste!
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 9/10 Repustes: Áno
Kibio Ki-Crème – $ 37 za 50ml
Tiež som sa podarilo využiť môj nočný krém v decembri. To poskytuje úžasnú hydratáciu vďaka obsahu bambuckého masla, ale zanechá trochu lesklý pohľad na kožu. Snažil som sa to používať počas dňa, ale pilulky sa pod nadáciou. Celá Kibio Line bola prerušená, bohužiaľ.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repustes: NO (prerušené)
Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleresIsist24 Intenzívny očný kontúr krém – $ 70 za 15ml
Ako som spomenul v mojom nedávnom HG POST, ak Shiseido niekedy prerušil tento alebo preformátujte, tam by bolo peklo platiť! Som si istý, že mnoho tisíc iných lojálnych zákazníkov by sa cítil rovnako. Tento hlboko hydratuje moju oblasť očí, nespôsobí Milia, a cítim sa, pomohol s jemnými líniami. Aj táto malá nádoba ma vydrží najmenej 9 mesiacov, pretože s každou aplikáciou je potrebná tak málo. Tento produkt je najsvätejším z grákov!
Stash Worthiness: 10/10 Repustes: Áno
Pure + Jednoduchá kyselina mliečna plus 10% – $ 60,45 pre 50ml
Dostal som to za polovičnú cenu počas čistej + jednoduchá starostlivosť o pleť obchodu v minulom roku. Je to dobrá aha chemická exfoliant, ale môže dráždiť pokožku pomerne ostro – produkty nemusia byť nepríjemné “ukázať”, že to funguje. Tiež si myslím, že je to predražené, čo to je. Tento produkt tvrdí, že nie dehydruje pokožku, ale zistil som, že je sušenie. Zvyčajne to musím spárovať s iným sérom a používam ho len raz týždenne.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 7/10 Rekup: Nie
Elizabeth Grant Grant Supreme bunkovej vitality 3-in-1 čistiaci prostriedok – $ 30 za 240ml
To bol vianočný darček pred 2 rokmi a konečne som sa dostal k používaniu. Vôňa tohto produktu je pravdepodobne moja obľúbená vec o tom – ako mäkké citrus s nádychom vanilky. Penete pekne a je jemná na koži.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 7/10 spätného odkúpenia: Možno
Mandom Barrier Repair Koncentrát Sérum – $ 16 za 60g
Tento nádherný produkt je prerušený (samozrejme!) Ale ja som sa podarilo skórovať jeden v apríli. Urobil som úplné preskúmanie, keď som sa dozvedel.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 9/10 Repustes: Nie (prerušené)
Mario Badescu tváre sprej s aloe, bylinky, a Rosewater – $ 9 za 118ml
Toto je kultová obľúbená a bola to dobrá, ale nevadí-fúkačne dobrá. Nenašiel som to ako hydratujúce ako iné hmly tváre, ktoré som sa snažil ako Muji High Vlhkosť Toner alebo Sukk Hydraturovanie hmly toner. Pozorovanie: Náhodne som ochutnal tento produkt (postrek s mojimi ústami čiastočne otvorené, DOH) a chutí mierne sladké. Nie, nepil som to, aby som ho použil!
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 7/10 spätného odkúpenia: Možno
Lise Water MagniFix make-up fixačné s bielym čajom – $ 26 za 115ml
To bolo moje obľúbené make-up upevnenie sprej, kým som nenašiel Avon One. Vôňa tohto je najväčšia remíza pre mňa – milujem čajové vône! Tento glycerín-base sprej nie je tak, aby sa nastavil môj make-up, pretože sa zbaví práškového vzhľadu na koži. To pomáha predĺžiť opotrebenie môjho make-up, ale nie, ako aj iné nastavenia spreje na trhu.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
Tony Moly Som Real Purifing Seaweed Mask – $ 1.67 (12 za 20 dolárov dohoda)
Niečo v tejto maske spôsobilo, že moje tváre sa obráťte do pomerne ružovej a na mojej čele sa objavili miesto úľa. Prečítal som si zložky a nič na mňa nevyskočilo s výnimkou extraktu Apple – možno to bolo exfoliačné efekt?
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 5/10 Repus: Nie
Tony Moly Som Real Nutrition Avocado Mask – $ 1.67 (12 za 20 dolárov dohoda)
Všeobecne platí, že Tony Moly Masky sú príliš krátke pre moju tvár, ale tvárové otvory sú dobre. Sérum tohto dňa mal dobrý štíhlye factor so it adhered well to my skin. There’s a bit of tingle with this mask which I wasn’t expecting. My skin felt plump and hydrated after using this. I also love the scent of this – reminds me a bit of an artificial almond smell rather than avocado though. This is my favourite of the Tony Moly masks that I’ve tried so far.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
Naisture sweet Honey Mask pack – $1.13
Got this from the pack of masks off miss A. The sheet was a medium thickness, and fit nicely on my face (tiny bit short on my forehead) and there was a good amount of serum. I especially liked the soft honey scent and how soothing it felt on my skin. The next morning my skin felt supple and hydrated – just as the mask promised.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
The Creme shop Milk face Mask – $1.13
This smelled nice and that’s all I can really say about it. I’ve tried enough of these Creme shop masks to know that I’m not a fan of them – the material feels low-cost and I haven’t experienced any results with any of the masks.
Stash Worthiness: 6/10 Repurchase: No
Tony Moly I’m real brilliance Tomato Mask – $1.67 (12 for $20 deal)
I was afraid I wouldn’t love this one after buying 3 of them, blindly. This mask is probably the most raved about of all of the TM I’m real line… and I’m not really sure why. There’s nothing remarkable about it. I didn’t find my skin showed any benefits and I didn’t wake up with radiant skin in the morning. fear not, it doesn’t actually smell like tomatoes, more like soapy wilted salad.
Stash worthiness: 6/10 Repurchase: No
Tony Moly Pureness 100 Collagen Mask – $1.67 (12 for $20 deal)
The first noticeable thing about this mask is that it’s made of an unbleached material so it contains little speckles of dark particles (wood chips?) The fit was pretty good but the sheet itself is on the thicker side so it has a tendency to not stick completely to the skin. It contained a good amount of serum – there’s a soft floral scent to the serum which wasn’t offensive. My skin was smooth and plump in the morning.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 7/10 spätného odkúpenia: Možno
Mediheal Platinum V-Life vital Mask x5 – $12.99 for a box of 10
I took a risk buying a box of 10 at Winners and ended up loving this mask. It’s a shame that it’s impossible to find them again. In my last trash Stash, I vowed to finish up the box – I had 5 left and voila, I finished them all. I reviewed this mask as part of my 30 Day masking Challenge.
Stash Worthiness: 9/10 Repurchase: Yes
Malibu Glitz Facial Mask in Pearl – $1.13
This is the fourth mask I’ve tried from this brand and while the others only scored 6/10, this one is better. Where the others irritated my eyes, this one didn’t. The material of this mask is really thin and the serum was soothing.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 7/10 spätného odkúpenia: Možno
Etude House 0.2 therapy Air Mask Hyaluronic Acid – $1.30 each
This mask is my favourite sheet mask that I’ve tried – it checks all the boxes for me: fit, amount of serum, and noticeable results. The more masks I try, the more they reinforce for me how much I love this one!
Stash Worthiness: 10/10 Repustes: Áno
C.O. Bigelow Cinnamint supreme 2X Lip shine – $8 for 14g
This cinnamon flavour is too strong for my liking – I prefer the more mellow scent of Vanillamint. but the formula is stellar – see my rave review on all of the flavours here.
Stash worthiness: 8/10 Repurchase: No
H&M Overnight Lip Rescue – $10 for 8ml
If scented or flavoured lip treatment isn’t for you, this is a wonderful alternative to the C.O. Bigelow supreme 2X Lip Shine. It has a thick formula that isn’t sticky and stays put through the night, and contains shea butter in the formula. I should mention that both this and the C.O. Bigelow have a slanted applicator opening, which I find useful.
Stash worthiness: 9/10 Repurchase: Yes
Delon+ premium Cotton Rounds – approx $1.60 for 100 count
A staple in my skincare routine. I like how these are lint-free and have a meshy exfoliating side.
Stash worthiness: 9/10 Repurchase: Yes
MUJI cut Cotton White – $3.50 for a pack of 165 pcs
Detailed review here where I compare it to Shiseido’s crack cotton. It’s a dupe!
Stash Worthiness: 10/10 Repustes: Áno
The face shop Konjac cleaning Puff – $4
My favourite konjac sponge and still the best price. It’s got a soft squishy texture when wet that is super gentle on the skin. I use this in the mornings in the shower with a foaming face wash.
Stash worthiness: 9/10 Repurchase: Yes
Starostlivosť o telo
Nova Scotia Fisherman original lotion – $10.95 for 100ml
I hauled this here and intended to use this as hand cream but I found it too lightweight for that purpose. I used it up as body lotion but 100ml doesn’t last very long. I used up this tube in about 2 weeks. It’s a non-greasy and hydrating lotion that has a light shea scent. next time I need to get the larger size with the pump!
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
Dormer 211 cream – $16 for 110ml
This is such a terrific no-frills moisturizer that I’ve bought on and off for years. I used to use this on my face but I found it to be a bit too thick so I ended up using it on my feet. I recommend this if you have super sensitive and dry skin. It’s fragrance-free and contains fairly basic ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid but it does contain mineral oil and petrolatum which some people don’t care for.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
Garnier Intensive 7 Days Soothing lotion with Honey
I was skeptical about the claim that this provided lasting hydration. Now, I don’t know about 7 days since I shower daily, but, it does provide hydration all day. Often, my skin feels itchy and tight by nighttime with other lotions so I have to reapply in the evenings but not with this one. The honey scent is lovely too – soft and comforting. Sadly, I just learned that this is discontinued. teach me to wait so long to use something!
Stash worthiness: 9/10 Repurchase: No (can’t!)
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse (Multi-Purpose dry Oil) – $27 for 50ml
I love this stuff for my scalp during the cold, dry months. It’s not greasy at all but provides a terrific barrier to the winter air. but I use such a tiny amount each time that I was concerned my bottle would go rancid after having it for a few years so I decided to use this up on my body. It smells like a summer vacation so it has been terrific to counteract the nasty winter we’re having. I always opt for the smaller bottle since I take so long to finish it, plus, I don’t like that the larger bottle has a spray nozzle – this one just has a hole to pour out the oil.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 9/10 Repustes: Áno
The expiry has rubbed off but I think Sept 2018.
LUSH Sleepy Body lotion – $9.95 for 90g
This is meant to bring a sense of calm as a nighttime routine but I used this up as my morning lotion! normally lavender isn’t my favourite but the tonka adds a sweetness I like. This is a thicker consistency lotion so it does take some time for it to absorb into the skin. This small pot did not last me long – about 2 weeks only. contrary to popular belief, I don’t eat my body lotion, I just like to apply a liberal amount, sometimes twice daily.
Stash worthiness: 8/10 Repurchase: Maybe
Kiehl’s Richly Hydrating Hand cream in Coriander – $20 for 75ml
I enjoy this hand cream mainly for its scent. The product itself can be slightly emollient so I can only use this at night. It’s expensive for what it is too. This tube lasted me about 3 months.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 8/10 Repuste: Áno
The Body shop Wild rose Hand cream – $10 for 30ml
I haven’t tried TBS hand creams before and was worried it would be a greasy mess but this actually has a whipped / sorbet like texture and feels quite lightweight. When massaging into the skin though, it becomes quite thin and feels like dry oil but doesn’t absorb well into the skin. I didn’t feel my hands were well moisturized when I used this. I ended up using this on my feet at night. The rose scent was lovely though – soft and authentic.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 5/10 Repus: Nie
Bath & Body works Foaming Hand Soap in Sunshine & Lemons (LE) and Peach Bellini – $6.50 for 259ml
Lemon and peach scents are our go-to for both hand soaps and Wallflowers. I guess we’re creatures of habit.
STASH CHODNOSŤ: 9/10 Repustes: Áno
Bath & Body works Wallflower in Vanilla Snowflake and hot Cocoa & cream Refills – $6.50 each
I don’t have the hot Cocoa one to show because the SO hated it so much that it was sealed in a bag and tossed after only a week of usage. He really dislikes sweet baked type of frag