Photorejuvenation / IPL: part II

I wasn’t planning on one more update on IPL up until I had completed all 5 of my treatments however I believe that my 3rd session warrants an update.

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Long store short: my skin reacted terribly to the 3rd session.

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I went into the 3rd session believing it would be a routine treatment like the previous 2 sessions – a bit zap as well as then some redness, then smooth skin as well as perhaps much more flaking of spots. Boy, was I wrong! The 3rd session was the most unpleasant one.  I assumption I was visibly flinching when the esthetician zapped me with the wand since she asked if I was okay a few times. I said, yes, I’m fine, continue! even though it stung truly badly. The feeling was like somebody poked me with a hot curling iron! She continued with the session, passing over my deal with a minimum of 3 times, going over my much more distressed areas like my cheeks as well as temple. For some reason she likewise focused around my jawline as well as upper lip area (this is the exact same esthetician I’ve had all along).

My face got zapped like this!

I believed my deal with would be beet red however I looked in the mirror instantly after the session as well as it was just a small blush. That evening, I already started to see a few of my freckles darkening – a indication that they will likely scab over as well as autumn off.  I used gentle skincare on my deal with that night (the Mizon Snail healing Gel Cream). The next morning, a couple of my areas were raised, like little blisters (but not full of pus… sorry, that word is gross). a number of areas of my deal with had red splotches, somewhat increased areas that appeared like hives. Overall, my deal with looked a bit tender – nothing that some concealer as well as foundation couldn’t mask.

However, by that evening, my deal with took a turn for the worst. I had increased bumps as well as red welts covering about 30% of my face. They didn’t hurt, however they were itchy as well as sensitive to touch. At very first I couldn’t tell if they were just allergic reactions or actual burns from the laser. I had checked out some horror stories about laser treatment burns. I honestly appeared like I had poor patches of acne however without the whiteheads. Luckily for me, the worst of the bumps were around my jawline as well as temple so I was able to hide them with my hair. However, I had a patch of reaction best above my lip that was impossible to hide – concealer can only do so much, it can’t hide skin texture! I had a number of people at work ask me what the heck occurred with my face… some people just stared awkwardly at the bumps. My SO believed I had permanently damaged my skin (and for a short moment I concerned that I had too!). as well as of course, wouldn’t you understand it – that week I had to provide a presentation in front of a great deal of people! Ugh.

I googled “skin allergic reaction” as well as this picture finest represented exactly how my skin looked (source).

I was hesitant to utilize anything strong on my deal with because I didn’t understand what the reaction was, so I utilized my reliable Bioderma Cicabio Creme to assist calm the redness as well as itching. On the 4th night, I utilized a clay-based mask (Consonant DHE mask) to assist draw out any type of impurities. Finally, by day 5 my skin started to look much more typical – the bumps decreased as well as redness faded. My non-medical final thought is that I reacted to the warm of the laser – my skin is sensitive to warm as well as cold, as well as exposure to any type of extreme temperature triggers my skin to break out in hives. I suspect the concentrated laser was on a setting that was as well high for my skin as well as it wasn’t able to tolerate it.  One positive thing came out of this: a few of the most popular freckle / dark areas I had flaked off as well as my skin is rather smooth now.

So, will I continue with IPL? Áno, budem. I do not fault the esthetician – she did ask me if I was okay however I declared I was fine. Here’s what I’ve learned: if something feels off, speak up! I assumption some part of me associate pain with “it should be working”. I understood that the pain level was not the exact same as my previous sessions but, in my mind, stronger implies much better results, right? Well, all of us have limits as well as now I’ve found mine. I have my next session in early April as well as I’ll be sure to recommend them of my experience as well as request that they revert back to the previous setting!

My skin is lastly back to typical now!  Have you ever had a poor reaction to skin care or facial treatment?

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